Sunday, February 28, 2010

Make Money on Runescape Selling Bones

Just about everything you kill in Runescape not only earns you XP, but also leaves behind a set of bones. Yay for you!

There two ways you can use bones. The first thing is burying them to earn prayer XP. Prayer can come in handy, I guess, but I've never really used it much. From what I understand, it's not that useful until you have higher levels in Prayer.

Sell Bones on the Grand Exchange to Make Money

The second thing bones are useful for is making money. Yes, they may seem worthless but they're not. At the time of writing this post, bones are worth about 144 gold pieces each. Bat bones and monkey bones are worth more. Big bones, which you can get from giants and such, are worth about 600 gp or so.

Now, where do you sell these bones and make money on Runescape? Simple: the Grand Exchange.

Everyone can use the Grand Exchange, member or not. Members only have two slots, but your bones should sell quickly. And you can sell an entire inventory of bones in one GE slot. You should become familiar with the Grand Exchange asap. This is the fastest mechanism for making money on Runescape. Anything that can be bought or sold can be bought or sold here.

Pick Up Any Bones You See
Don't just pick up the bones of the things that *you* kill. Pick up everyone's bones as soon as you see that they don't want them. They won't care.

Use Teleport Tablets to Get Back and Forth to Varrock
You don't want to spend a ton of time running back and forth. So as soon and you've made some good money, say 10k or so, buy a teleport tablet. You can buy them on the Grand Exchange. They are around $1100 each. This seems like a lot but it's quite handy.

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